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Résumé Writing Process

Your résumé is your most important job search document. It needs to speak for you and properly articulate your relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities.

A non-executive level résumé takes anywhere from 5-9 hours to craft a finished product. A typical breakdown of the timing is listed below. 

Existing Document Review: 1 Hour

Review existing documents and target role(s): includes review of existing documents, targeted job postings and client questionnaire preparation.

Connecting with Client: 1 Hour

Typically done virtually, connecting with client through phone call, text chat or zoom. Client is asked more details to understand top KSA (knowledge, skills and abilities) in relation to job goals. For job seekers in career transition, transferable skills are emphasized!

Résumé Writing: 3-5 Hours

Taking existing information and developing new content to ensure your content has context and all statements are impactful.

Proofreading: 1 Hour

Document is proofread several times prior to sending to client. 

Walkthrough: 1 Hour

A summary of your new document is emailed along with style rationale. Any additional changes are also made at this stage to ensure client satisfaction!

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